Funny Kitten Pics
These funny kitten pics will surely put a smile on your face. They will also brighten up the drabbest of days.
You will find a host of gift ideas inspired by funny kitten pictures. So if you want to give a fun gift to your cat-loving friends, consider one of the items presented here. I’m sure they will be delighted.
Funny cat quotes
Cats are kindly masters, just so long as you remember your place. ~ Paul Gray
The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it. ~ Doug Larson
Everything I know I learned from my cat: When you're hungry, eat. When you're tired, nap in a sunbeam. When you go to the vet's, pee on your owner. ~ Gary Smith
One of the most striking differences between a cat and a lie is that a cat only has nine lives. ~ Mark Twain
Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject to a good many ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia. ~ Joseph Wood Krutch
Humans: No fur, no paws, no tail. They run away from mice. They never get enough sleep. How can you help but love such an absurd animal? ~ Anonymous Cat
We have a theory that cats are planning to take over the world,
just try to look them straight in the eye...
yup, they're hiding something!
~ Dog FancyThe following pictures of funny kittens are brought to you in association with
Bad Hair Day
Funny Cat Mamma
Feline Santa
Cats Have Staff
Funny Kitten
Is That a Fly on My Nose?
Funny Kittens with Bunny
This cute (and funny) poster) is brought to you in affiliation with

Whittier, Harry
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More funny quotes about cats
Cat and kitten quotes are wells of feline wisdom. And many are funny hilarious. Below you will find a few of my favorite funny cat quotes.
Cats come and go without ever leaving. ~ Martha Curtis
Does the father figure in your cat's life ever clean the litter box? My husband claims that men lack the scooping gene. ~ Barbara L. Diamond
He swings from the chandelier, he paws my peanut butter, and he knocks over my drink in the most unfortunate places in the house ~ but I still love him like crazy. It's like a hairball in my heart. - Audra Foveo-Alba
If I tried to tell you how much I love my cats, you wouldn't believe me - unless your heart is also meow-shaped and covered in stray fur. ~ Lexie Saige
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