Zorro the Magnificent

I had a very scary start in life when my mother disappeared when i was about two weeks old. A nice police officer found me and took me to a vetanarian's office. The Vet and her helpers took care of me and even had to do a small surgery on my neck. A few days later my grandmother,(thats what i call her), came in looking for a kitten for her teenage daughter's boyfriend,(I call them mom and dad). I chose my grandmother before the other kittens could get the chance. Once i stuck my paw out of my cage and she looked into my eyes, she couldn't resist. I love my new home and family! Did I mention that i am also beautiful in my perfect tuxedo and my mask?
Zorro the Magnificent

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Oct 08, 2010
Zorro has it made!
by: MomLuvsTommy

Hi, can you guess who this is??? My boys loves to make up the bed and loves his Nana Sue!! :) Sounds like Zorro lucked up big-time and definitely found himself the purrfect home. There's nothing better than a kitty!

Oct 08, 2010
Zorro has it made!
by: MomLuvsTommy

Hi....can you guess who this???? :) My boy loves to make up the bed and loves his Nana Sue. I love the story of Zorro, he definitely has a fantastic home!

Oct 07, 2010
by: Jean from Tennesee

I would love to see your picture too Zorro. Your story was very moving and made me feel all warm inside because you are in such a good place now! Thanks for sharing your story, Oh Magnifient One!

Oct 05, 2010
by: Claudia - Admin

Dear Zorro,

You are so lucky to have found so many compassionate humans. And I'm so glad you are part of a loving family. Mom, dad and grandma must be very happy to have you. Thank you for sharing your story. Maybe you can share a picture too? We'd love to see your beautiful coat!

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