Tuxie Boy Malloy

by Andrea

Tuxie Boy Malloy

Tuxie Boy Malloy

I got my Tuxedo cat from a friend of mine who had his mother. He is by far the most affectionate cat I have ever had. In fact, as I type this, he is in his favorite spot...curled up on my chest. He is very partial to me, is ok with my husband, and tolerates everyone else. I absolutely am in love with my boy.

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Jul 23, 2011
What a cutie
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Andrea,

Tuxie Boy Malloy is a very handsome kitty. And so affectionate, too. I love affectionate cats. My cat Mia was one the most affectionate cats I've ever known. She even knew when I needed a bit of comforting like when I was sad or depressed.

I'm so happy Tuxie has found a loving home and that you have found a loving companion. I wish to both of you a long and happy life together.

Thanks for sharing.

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