Tuxedo Andy

by Pastor April Abernethy
(Shelby, NC)

As a new pastor in the community, I sometimes felt a little lonely. Andy was the "community kitty" who came to visit regularly. I began to feed him and encourage him to hang around. Soon we became friends AND HE walked with me in the yard, AND HE talked with me, AND HE kept me company...so I named him Andy (AND HE)! Andy has been claimed and is now the parsonage kitty!

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Sep 17, 2012
handsome tuxedos
by: Anonymous

He's lovely

Jan 18, 2012
Godly kitty for the sheperd
by: Anonymous

Andy is a beautiful cat and I am so glad that you have him . I date a pastor and there is so much emotional stuff that is laid at him everyday. God has blessed you with a most wonderful friend for the times of solitude.

Oct 30, 2011
What a joy
by: Anonymous

How appropriate to call him Andy. For he walked with you "In the Garden". Glad to see another tuxedo friend has found a really great home. May the peace of Christ who surpasses all understanding be with you now and may you and Andy enjoy each other's company for many years to come. Cats leave paw prints on our hearts and memories for a lifetime.

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