Pierrette Cosette the Calico Tortie Kitten

by Desiree
(New Orleans, LA)

Ma Petite Pierrette Cosette

Ma Petite Pierrette Cosette

I fell in love with this little kitten at the La. SPCA in New Orleans on January 3rd, 2010. I had just put my dear boy kitty, "Cairo," to sleep after 16.5 years of kitty love (intestinal cancer) and needed a new baby to love. She was up on her hind legs scratching at the glass to get my attention. When I held her she fell asleep in the bend of my elbow. She loves to wake me up and tell me she's hungry by nipping my cupid's bow (upper lip) and my nose. She is a sassy little bit that shadows me all over the house. Here she is.

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May 11, 2010
Wonderful adoption story
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Desiree,

What a lovely story. I think that cats adopt their human companions, even though we think we choose them. I feel the same way with my own cats. I think yours is a match made in kitty heaven.

I'm glad Pierre Cosette has become such a beloved member of your family. Thank you for sharing her story. She's a beautiful kitty.

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