Pet Mom

by Katie
(St Louis, Mo.)

The Little Princess

The Little Princess

Orian is a beautiful calico who I rescued from a place of horrible conditions. The previous owners had 11 animals in their home which included 3 cats and 8 pit bulls. The house smelled so bad that you could not breath.

Orian was a single kitten that was born to their two cats, so I decided to take her home. None of those animals had been fixed. Orian has been spayed and has had all her shots and is doing well. You must see how beautiful she is, so here is a photo!

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Oct 31, 2010
A beautiful kitty
by: Jean from Tennessee

Thanks for sharing your cat's story. I'm so glad you were able to rescue her from those horrible conditions! She is an unusual cat isn't she? Beautiful markings and a unique "look" -- She looks like she has found her home for life with you! Congratulations to you both.

Jul 09, 2010
by: Anonymous

That cat is so adorable. I know what means by she was in a horrible place because I lived at my aunts and it was a horrible place and I cat, but my aunt she has a baby and her baby likes to go out in the back and one day I was going to hold the cat but she was gone see how terrible that is.

May 07, 2010
Beautiful Cat
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Katie,

Orian is a very beautiful princess. I love her coat pattern. She's so cute and expressive.

Thank you for sharing your kitty's picture.

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