Penguin Our Cat?

by Suzanne
(Warrington, PA)

Penguin :-)

Penguin :-)

Just wanted to share my story about our tuxedo cat named Penguin..We have noticed that he is very smart, Penguin opens doors like I have never seen before, and also tries to open the back door to go out..He carries his toys in his mouth quite often and will bring his favorite toy over to his food bowls..When we throw his favorite toy which is a plastic stick w/a furry ball, and feathers attached to it w/a bell, he will run and fetch it and bring it back to us in his mouth, we will do this several times until he gets tired he reminds us of a dog he is so cute, or I will throw it down our basement steps and he will run down and bring it back up to us..The one thing that we have noticed about our cat is he is very feisty and does not like to be disturbed, he also likes to bite..Other times if we are doing things and not paying attention to him he will get our attention either by gently scratching at our legs, or feet, or rub up against us so we will play with him..
Penguin can be very affectionate at times only when he wants to though..We love him very much...?

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Oct 31, 2010
Talented Penguin
by: Jean from Tennessee

Your Penguin is one good looking kitty and very obviously "smart as a tack" too ... it sounds like it's a real treat to share your home with him. I hope you all have many years of joy together. And keep playing fetch! It's good exercise. Keep that back door locked though so he can't figure out how to get it open! Thanks so much for the story and the great picture.

Oct 30, 2010
Cute Penguin
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Suzanne,

Your Penguin is so cute. And talk about a smart cat! I loved reading about Penguin's antics, he sure knows what he wants. It's not the first time I've heard that tuxedos behave like dogs.

Thank you for sharing Penguin's story and picture. I loved it!

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