by Sierra
(Bellevue, WA)

Well my husband and I just adopted a lil tux. He has been super sick and finally gettin better..we already love him so much and are really gettin to know him...but he has no name and we have had him for 3 weeks!!!! I feel like we have a serious issue lol..well we just need to get to know him WELL! Hes so cute super smart and loves to fetch already knows what hes doing! I cant wait to teach him tricks that my other cat knows! Sit, high five, up, down! Love him!

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Mar 17, 2012
no name....
by: Anonymous


Feb 03, 2011
A cat by any other name ...
by: Jean from Tennessee

Hi: I really enjoyed hearing about No Name. I'm quite confident that you will one day just "know" your cat's name. He will do something, or somebody will say something and you'll just "know" -- until then just continue to enjoy him to the full, even with No Name!

Feb 02, 2011
What's in a name?
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Sierra,

Kittens are the cutest things! I'm so glad you've found another furry friend. I'm sure you will soon find the perfect name for your kitty. If you need some ideas, you may check our cat name guide here. We have a page with a list of tuxedo cat names. Do take into account your kitty's personality before choosing a name.

Thanks so much for sharing your story!

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