Man of the House

by Bettyann Pernice
(San Diego, CA, U.S.A.)

My tuxedo cat, Charlie, came to live with me in 2006.

Charlie loves to watch me work, especially in the kitchen! When I am on a ladder doing a chore, Charlie will also climb the ladder and go into a reaching pose (copying me as I attempt to get something down from my closet). I guess he is "helping" me.

I was recently incapacitated with a broken ankle and broken bone on the other foot. Charlie followed me as I moved around the house in my wheelchair. He was certainly looking after me during my disability and I appreciated his company.

Charlie does not like to be loved, cuddled, or picked up. He finds great dignity in standing on his own four feet. However, he does love to be near me. He loves especially to sit on my desk, on my data, as I try to enter the information into my computer. He also loves to attack the printer when it prints, and that is a riot to watch!

Charlie loves to play with dripping faucets, but does NOT want to take a bath. Charlie would eat twelve times a day if I let him. However, he is a healthy trim weight. He loves to eat a cake my neighbor makes with liquour. He is very finicky about food.

My tuxedo cat, Charlie, is certainly the Man of the House.

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Aug 14, 2010
by: Claudia - Admin

I totally agree!

Aug 14, 2010
To Claudia
by: Bttyann

Your cat is just a typical male!

Aug 12, 2010
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Bettyann,

Indeed, Charlie seems to be in charge of everything. I love it that he always wants to help. That's so sweet. My Max, on the other hand, wants nothing to do with house chores, lol.

Thank you for sharing Charlie's story.

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