I have a smart tuxedo!!!

by tracy
(san diego)

knows when i am leaving the house! cannot leave without saying good-bye! very affectionate and a very loyal cat! I have to say! meka is his name my room-mates just adore him! when i have come home from work they always tell me where he went to to go looking for me! wanting me near him 24/7 i wish. i would love to bring him along! so sorry about that! very smart cat i do have! love my son very much!

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Jan 30, 2012
yes, cats can be very smart
by: Anonymous

My tuxedo cat opens locked windows with his paws.

He even removes plywood barriers I have put infront of the locks trying to prevent this.

Aug 11, 2011
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Tracy,

Sounds like Meka is a very smart cat. I do believe cats are extremely intelligent and according to cat experts, tuxedos are even more intelligent than the average cat. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule as some cat owners have shared with us.

I wish I too could take my cat to work. But I'm not sure I could get any work done! Max demands my full attention when I'm home. He doesn't like being ignored. However, there are moments when he doesn't want any type of human attention. He just wants to be left alone. I guess that's a cat thing.

Thanks for sharing Meka's story.

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