Finally got a picture of Angel

by Alice
(Lavonia, Ga.)



Here it is. She is the calico. Guess where she is when not behind my head or under my feet.

The other picture is her sister Baby J.

My little dog actually found Baby J. She started barking in March of 2008.

I went outside to see what she was barking about.
I was living in Ky. at the time and it was very cold out. She was laying in the bushes in front of the house. She hadn't had her eyes open very long. I took her in and hand raised her. Angel came in May. The 2 immediately formed a bond with each other. Baby J acted like a mother to Angel even though they were about the same age. I later found out that a neighbor's cat had kittens. He thought that the trailer park had caught all of the litter and disposed of them. The park caught cats and kittens in wildlife cages and dumped them miles from home. Baby J is as mean as Angel is sweet. All of my babies are rescue babies. I had 5 (2 dogs, 3 cats)now I have 4 since my Razzy disappeared.

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Aug 01, 2011
Purr-fect Angels
by: yvonne

Hi Alice,
I love the pictures. By the looks on Angels smiling face she must be in her comfort zone..,the bed!:-) Your Angel and Baby J look healthy and happy in their invironment. Two satisfied gals. I think Angel and her sister Baby J are very beautiful. It makes me smile to know that the two sisters will live and grow old together. All the best to Angel and Baby J. Thanks for the pictures:-))

Jul 30, 2011
by: Merlin's Mom

I love calico's. I have one that is mostly white and her spots are light, so she looks like she has just rubbed her face in dust. I'll try to post pics. Your babies are so pretty and obviously loved. Thanks for sharing.

Jul 30, 2011
A beautiful angel
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Alice,

Angel surely is beautiful. I think that calicos' coats are like tapestries with all those beautiful colors. Baby J is adorable, too. I love her fluffy tail.

I have a fondness for calico cats. The cat of one of my cousins was a calico and she was very sweet. She passed away about a year ago. We still miss her.

Thanks so much for sharing her picture.

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