
by Sisi Nicole
(Middletown, Ohio, United States)

This is my baby now -- About 8 - 10 Weeks Old

This is my baby now -- About 8 - 10 Weeks Old

A neighbor of my dad's found a pregnant black and white cat just a few weeks before I came home from college for a break. My dad took me over to see the kittens just about 2 weeks after they had been born and I fell in love with the first one I saw. She was a little, little thing.

I'm not allowed to have pets in the dorm, but I'm taking the risk for this little one.

About 4 weeks later the woman that had rescued the momma cat was ready to get rid of the litter -- the momma cat had had a fairly large litter of 7 -- because she didn't have room. So had given all but 3 away by the time I got home. I was elated to see my favorite little kitten there, looking much bigger and with a beautiful pattern.

For a few days I couldn't figure out a name as she ran around my parent's apartment; she'd sneak onto the stairs and (because she was fully black on top, as Tuxies are.) hide until someone came down the stairs. Then, of course, she'd just have to pounce on your feet! She'd climb onto my shoulder and let me walk around with her there, like a little parrot, and she'd get REALLY rambunctious about 20 minutes before she wanted to go to bed. She'd run around like a crazy kitty and then just conk out.

And them my mom called her Fidget.
"Come here Fidget!"
"No, Fidget!"
"You're such a little bad ass, Fidget."

And it kind of stuck. The kitten started answering to Fidget and I thought the name fit her so perfectly. :) This is my first pet, and I am SO glad I have my own little Tuxedo kitten to love and cherish. She's a little wild at times, but I love her so much she's like a daughter to me.

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Jan 08, 2011
Jiminy Fidget!
by: Jean from Tennessee

What a CUTE little kitty! Her picture looks just like she would be a mischievous little one!

I'm glad you've got her now and that she has such a happy situation. Many, many years of fun and love are wished for you all.

Jan 07, 2011
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Sisi,

Thank you for sharing Fidget's wonderful story and pic. She's so cute. I'm glad she found a loving home. Now you and your family have a furry bundle of joy to love and pamper. As I've mentioned elsewhere, tuxies are smarter than your average cat, so I'm sot surprised she's so interested in her surroundings. She wants to explore everything!

Stories like these warm my heart. Thanks again for sharing.

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