Elfin Kitty

by Richard Ward
(Spartanburg, SC)

Elfin Kitty

Elfin Kitty

My cat (Mr. Roscoe P. Kitty Cat) is a Tuxedo kitty. He is very intelligent and VERY affectionate. Roscoe also likes to follow me from room to room when I am at home and seems to want very much to let me know his wishes. He is very vocal, talks all of the time and even paws at me if I am not giving enough attention to him. Here is a picture of Roscoe at Christmas time 2009. We thought that he would enjoy dressing up but it turns out he would rather go "au-naturale" (think I spelled that right:)

His temperament is very laid back. He will often just flop into your arms like a limp dish rag when you pick him up and will lie beside you on his back all night purring while I sleep.

I got Roscoe at the animal shelter in 2007. I went with the intention of getting a kitty, but while I was trying to decide which one, and with my back to the cage he was in, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. When I turned around it was him, reaching through the bars as if to say: "hey what about me..."? I thought to myself that it was way more likely that someone would pick a kitten before they would this 5 year old cat. So... I asked if I could visit with him in the little room they supply for meetings. We immediately hit it off. He went home with me that day and has been the best little partner I could've ever asked for. His sweet disposition and affection are a special source of both company and therapy after a long days work. His purring always helps to relieve the days stress. And when he looks at me it is always with tenderness - like a child looking up at his or her parent who has returned from a long trip.

I would not give anything for Roscoe he is definitely a bright spot in my day.


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Apr 23, 2011
The Elf King
by: Jean from Tennessee

Your Elfin Kitty is a VERY handsome fellow. And like Claudia, I was quite moved by the story of how you found one another at the shelter. He definitely had chosen you, I think!
I'm happy for your both and it's great to hear how much you give to one another's lives. That's what it's all about, after all, isn't it?

Apr 22, 2011
by: Claudia-Admin


Your story about how you met Roscoe is very touching. I love it! And he is certainly a very handsome cat. He looks so cute dressed up as an elf - but I know that, like most felines, he doesn't care for costumes. My sister dressed up my cat Max as Santa but he just tolerated it for a couple of minutes and didn't speak to us after the incident. The humiliation! Anyways, he looked so cute.

I agree when you say that cats are a wonderful therapy after a rough day at work. They can be so loving.

Thank you so much for the story and pics.

Note: Click on each picture thumbnail to enlarge.

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