cute oreo

by Krysten Castaneda

Oreo is a very loving, outspoken cat. I just had a few questions. She gets afraid of other cats/humans other than me. Is this normal in a tuxedo cat?

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Aug 14, 2010
@Claudia - Admin
by: Krysten

I found Oreo when she just a little kitten she was abandon and starved. I have two other cats, and she gets along with them, but she doesn't like to have other people touch neither hold her. It made me wonder If this was normal, and thank you so much :)

Aug 05, 2010
Oreo is a lovely cat
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Krysten,

Oreo is so cute. Thank you for sharing his picture!

As to your question, as far as I know tuxedo cats are friendly, like most cats. However, each cat is different. There are small differences in temperament based on their breed (tuxedos can occur in different breeds), but overall tuxedos are friendly and very smart.

There are, of course, many factors that can influence a cat's behavior. It might be that Oreo hasn't had a chance of socializing with other pets and/or people so he is not comfortable around them. Did you adopt him as a kitten or as an adult?

My cats, by the way, are shy with strangers. But they are quite friendly with people they know.

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