{ YODA ;

by BobbyC.
(Tallahassee, Fl, USA)

Yoda is truly unequivocally "THE" Tuxedo Cat...We have (5) cats, all indoors...a "Calico", three american shorthairs.. Now the female Calico can pretty much hold her own with my Tuxedo, she is after all his mother... However; Yoda, is exactly picture purrrrfect to the 'T', look in the dictionary and you'll see his face next to the definition of what a "Tuxedo" cat truly is...Exceptionally Intelligent, Extremely Vocal, informs the "Human" when it's time to eat, change the litter box, to scratch and rub them, time to change out the old water to fresh, when it's time for everyone to be ''quiet'' so that they are able to get some quality nap time...The other 4 cats could care less about any of these things...WOW!!...aren't they spoiled and entitled!!!...Just don't get any better than that...as you all can probably tell I LOVE my baby, and I can and will attest that HE is indeed spoiled "Rotten" to the core, as all of my babies are....Keep watching over and taking really exceptional care of your babies too, life is too short for them for you not too!!!!!....LOVE EM UP!!!!..and they'll LOVE U BACK!!!!....

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Jul 06, 2011
by: Claudia - Admin

Hi Bobby,

Yoda is a perfect example of what a tuxedo cat should be: smart, outgoing, a true leader of the pack. And of course, I love the name. I am so glad he's found a loving home. I wish you, your family and Yoda a long and happy life together.

I do wish you would share a picture of this feline paragon with all of us.

Thanks for sharing!

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